Workshop - Ako na písanie projektov?/ How to write projects?
Podujatie je vhodné pre cudzincov aj Slovákov. Podujatie je vhodné len pre dospelých.
Pozývame vás na tretí zo série vzdelávacích workshopov v Nitre – tentokrát sa budeme venovať písaniu projektov! Chcete sa naučiť, ako úspešne zvládnuť grantové výzvy? Príďte sa inšpirovať, naučiť nové zručnosti a posunúť svoje projekty o krok bližšie k úspechu! 💡
Čo sa naučíte?
👉 Základy písania grantových žiadostí.
👉”Projekt ako zmena” - ako definovať problém a potrebu; ako definovať cieľ a očakávané výsledky projektu
Pre koho je workshop určený?
🖋️ Začiatočníkov v oblasti grantov a fundraisingu.
🖋️ Organizácie, aktivistov a jednotlivcov, ktorí chcú realizovať svoje nápady.
🔗 Zdieľajte a pozvite priateľov, ktorým by sa tento workshop mohol hodiť!
We invite you to the third in a series of educational workshops in Nitra - this time we will focus on writing projects! Do you want to learn how to successfully handle grants? Come get inspired, learn new skills and take your projects one step closer to success! 💡
What will you learn?
👉 Basics of writing grant applications.
👉"Project as change" - how to define a problem and a need; how to define the goal and expected results of the project
Who is the workshop intended for?
🖋️ Beginners in the field of grants and fundraising.
🖋️ Organizations, activists and individuals who want to realize their ideas.
🔗 Share and invite friends who might benefit from this workshop!
miesto podujatia:
We invite you to a workshop on how, with who, and why to create a space where people from different communities can get to know each other more and find a way to each other 🤝.
The workshop is based on many years of practical experience in the community program of Mareena, which is dedicated to supporting the inclusion of foreigners and refugees in Slovakia. The workshop is intended for people and organizations working or wanting to start working with communities and foreigners 🫂.
At the workshop, you will learn:
👉 How to prepare and implement a community event step by step;
👉 What not to forget while planning;
👉 How to make events friendly for people from different communities;
👉 Illustrative examples of good practice;
👉 Examples of how to "not mess up";
👉 How to collect feedback after events;
and much more.
place of the event:
Všetky termíny:
- 4. december 2024 17:30 - 20:30