Workshop: Ako na online komunikaciu? Od tvorby obsahu, až po interakciu s komunitou

Podujatie je vhodné pre cudzincov aj Slovákov. Podujatie je vhodné len pre dospelých.
🗣️Pripojte sa k nám na interaktívny workshop, kde preskúmame svet efektívnej online komunikácie!
Toto stretnutie vám poskytne praktické zručnosti na úspešné zvládnutie virtuálneho prostredia. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo máte už nejaké skúsenosti, workshop vám pomôže stať sa lepším komunikátorom v online svete🙌.
Čo môžete očakávať👇
👉Úvod a základy komunikácie s cieľovou skupinou (spôsoby online komunikácie, získavanie nových užívateľov, plánovanie obsahu, inšpirácia pri tvorbe obsahu, organický vs platený dosah)
👉Sociálne média a emaily (predstavenie social. sieti, tvorba rôznych foriem obsahu, konzistentnosť v komunikácii, komunikácia s komunitou, platená reklama, ako na emaily)
👉Základy dizajnu pre online obsah (základy dizajnu, ako tvoriť obsah v CANVA, alebo cez alternatívne nástroje, zdroje bezplatného obsahu)
👉Základy tvorby a postprodukcie videí (pravidlá video obsahu, ako video natočiť, ako na postprodukciu video obsahu)
👉Využitie AI, nielen pre efektívnu komunikáciu
a mnoho ďalšieho.
Tešíme sa na Vás! 🤩
🗣️Join us for an interactive workshop where we will explore the world of effective online communication!
This session will provide you with the practical skills to successfully navigate a virtual environment. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or have some experience, the workshop will help you become a better communicator in the online world🙌.
What can you expect👇
👉Introduction and basics of communication with the target group (methods of online communication, increase of new followers, content planning, inspiration for content creation, organic vs. paid reach)
👉Social media and emails (presentation of social networks, creation of various forms of content, consistency in communication, communication with the community, paid advertising, emails)
👉Basics of design for online content (basics of design, how to create content in CANVA, or through alternative tools, sources of free content)
👉Basics of video creation and post-production (rules of video content, how to shoot a video, how to post-produce video content)
👉Use of AI, not only for effective communication
and much more.
We look forward to seeing you! 🤩
miesto podujatia:
We invite you to a workshop on how, with who, and why to create a space where people from different communities can get to know each other more and find a way to each other 🤝.
The workshop is based on many years of practical experience in the community program of Mareena, which is dedicated to supporting the inclusion of foreigners and refugees in Slovakia. The workshop is intended for people and organizations working or wanting to start working with communities and foreigners 🫂.
At the workshop, you will learn:
👉 How to prepare and implement a community event step by step;
👉 What not to forget while planning;
👉 How to make events friendly for people from different communities;
👉 Illustrative examples of good practice;
👉 Examples of how to "not mess up";
👉 How to collect feedback after events;
and much more.
place of the event:
Všetky termíny:
- 28. november 2024 17:00 - 20:00